Fork to Farm


bio-waste separation, awareness raising, sustainable food production, waste prevention

Draft Law on Waste Management Amendment Comments and Proposals


January 2024 – December 2024


Tuzi, Danilovgrad – Montenegro


Zero Waste Europe


Tuzi and Danilovgrad municipalities


Activities are implemented under the Zero Waste Europe project “Reducing methane emissions from cities – Fork to Farm” funded by the Global Methane Initiative and the UMI Fund. This project aims to produce and support a group of pioneering municipalities across key strategic European countries, who can showcase high-performing and replicable models on how to mitigate methane from the waste sector. We will resource local groups to support and drive the implementation of high performing organics management models (where currently there are none or very low-performing), helping embed a model for municipalities that we expect to prove reduces methane emissions from the waste sector, which currently come from non-stabilised bio-waste remaining in landfills (despite the requirement to do so in EU legislation).

Part of the activities in Montenegro are implemented by the NGO Zero Waste Montenegro in the municipalities of Danilovgrad and Tuzi.
This project is also the second phase of “KompostirajDG” in Danilovgrad carried out by the NGO “KOD” in partnership with the portal Volim Danilovgrad and Effective Microorganisms Montenegro (EMCG), funded by the Ministry of Tourism, Ecology, and Spatial Planning of Montenegro.