
Factsheet What’s behind food-contact paper packaging Plastic

Beyond Circular Economy Fashion

Debunking common myths about food hygiene, food waste, and health concerns related to reusable packaging

Guidance on food waste reduction in cities

Backyard composting guide

The economics of reuse systems

Zero Waste Montenegro – Recycling Map

Bottles Deposit Return Scheme (DRS)

Horeca Guide to Zero Waste, Second edition

Zero Waste Montenegro – Recycling Map

Bottles Deposit Return Scheme (DRS)

Horeca Guide to Zero Waste, Second edition

Zero Waste Guidelines for Events and Festivals

Zero Waste Events

Illegal Dumping Prevention Guidebook

Worms farm in Podgorica

Draft Law on Waste Management Amendment

COP26 demands

Guidelines to tackle single-use plastic items

Addressing plastic pollution through public procurement

Priority areas of intervention to curb marine litter in Montenegro

General Benefits of Zero Waste Cities

Economic Benefits of Zero Waste Cities

Creating a methodology for zero waste municipalities

Comparative Analysis – Plastic bags Legislation

Brochure Ecological Workshops

Seven Key Solutions to Landfill Methane