Featured Press
Zero Waste Montenegro has been fortunate to be featured or included in some of the top media outlets in Montenegro, including Vijesti, RTCG, CDM, MRT, Pobjeda, Total News Montenegro, Mina, Mladiinfomne, Caffee Montenegro and many others. Below is a selection of media mentions.

If you are a member of the media looking for an interview, email with PRESS in the subject line.
We can write/speak about domestic solid waste status in Montenegro, Circular Economy, Waste Management legislations and suggestions for improvement, Single Use Plastics issues, the Zero Waste Cities program, Zero Waste business certification, and of course the Cleanup Montenegro initiative and the projects we’ve done and are currently implementing.
Need something quick? Check our page Waste Management status in Montenegro and don’t forget to link/quote us! ☺ You can also download approved press photos and logos below. You are free to use them digitally with our prior permission as long as you include us in the credits and send us a link of your article/video at with PRESS in the subject line.