Reusable shopping bags production: Reducing plastic waste and littering in Montenegro
reusable bag production, reducing single-use plastic, raising awareness
March 2018 – March 2019
Beyond Plastic Med (BeMed)
This project aimed at making long-lasting reusable bags accessible and affordable to every citizen in Montenegro. The bags are sewn locally and sold at cost price ensuring self-funding for the following production batches. The goal is a noticeable single-use plastic waste reduction on the national scale while raising awareness regarding single-use plastic waste creation and disposal in Montenegro. Through this project, over 1800 high-quality cotton bags have been produced in Montenegro. Lots of efforts were undertaken through this project to onboard the major supermarket brands in the country, but none of them showed interest back then to sell reusable bags at their cashier points. Bags have been sold at cost price through different initiatives and benefits reinvested in follow-up actions of the Brand Audit project.